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Add a search bar

A site's owner and core team members can add a search bar anywhere on a site or page layout using the search card so that people can use keywords and phrases to explore your site's content. You can also enable global navigation to add a search bar to the top of your site next to the user profile and notifications buttons.

What shows up in search results?

Content added to the site's content library will show up in your site's search results. For example, if you created an open data site to share local data, a community member can enter a search query for parks on your site's search bar and any item related to local community resources (such as web maps of playgrounds, schools, and pools) will appear as search results. On the search route, users can search and filter by location, and choose a grid or a list view of search results.

Groups added through the groups manager will be automatically added to the site's catalog. All content shared to that group should appear in the search catalog.


People who have access to items that have been shared internally can view these private items in search results when signed in with their account.

Configure a search card

Use this card when you want to add a search bar to a site or page layout.

  1. Add a Search card to the layout.
  2. Choose a size for Search bar width.
  3. Provide default text to appear in the Search placeholder text field. For example, you could use Search by Keyword or Find Data.
  4. Select Save.

How searching works

When executing a search, content items are compared to a query and ranked by relevance. Relevance is calculated by syntactic matches between a search query and content item metadata fields including title, description, and more.

After search results have been calculated, filters and their list of values are returned if there are two or more values. Each filter lists values by aggregating metadata from all returned search results. Filter values are ranked in descending order of frequency (usage).